Town Of Bramwell Leaders
From a article on Bramwell that appeared in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph on February 15, 1953 the leaders of the Town of Bramwell were featured. These people were well recognized in Bramwell during the early 1950s. J.E. Mitchell was serving has first term as Bramwell's mayor at the age of 44. Thomas O'Neal and Charles L. Cumby were members of the Town Council. John. D. Hewitt Jr. was a prominent business man in Bramwell. Dwight W. McCormick was a former Bramwell Mayor and had been the principal of Bramwell High School for 18 years. F.A. Hankins was the general store manager of three stores of the Caswell Creek Coal and Coke Company. Police Chief McKinley Stacey was serving his 19th year in that position. Deputy Sheriff C. H. Hill resided in Bramwell. Stella M. Gordon was in her 10th year as Bramwell's Postmistress. Roy Kidd was in his seventh year operating the Piggly Wiggly store in Bramwell. N. Roberts was owner of the Bramwell Hardware. In 1953 Bramwell's legendary school teacher Maude Smith had lived in Bramwell for 37 years and was still teaching at Bramwell High School. Gordon Short was the town's police patrolman. Donald Anello was assistant treasurer of the Newbold-Keesling Theater Circuit. The Rev. Elwin H. Roberts was minister of the Bramwell Presbyterian Church. Former West Virginia Senator E. S. Baker was still active in Bramwell. ( Material from the Bluefield Daily Telegraph was furnished by Molly Clark Gross and Bill Gross. ) |